Questions about distant mysql server


Verified User
Dec 19, 2008

I will probably install a new server, just to run mysql.

2 questions :

Is it possible to keep some users with local mysql and some other on distant mysql server ?

What about bandwith and disk space for users ? Does directadmin count distant mysql storage and bandwith, in user accounts ?

Thanks for reply. I already read this usefull post but do not see answer to my questions.

Best regards
Is it possible to keep some users with local mysql and some other on distant mysql server ?

It seems to me to be possible, at least partly. If you want to manage both installations of MySQL from directadmin (i.e. create/delete dbs and users), then it's definitely impossible with default directadmin. You should choose only one. Of course you might want to try with some kind of MySQL proxy, see this link for example; it might be possible to do what you want with help of it. But I can not give you any guide on the subject, I've never tried to do it.

Does directadmin count distant mysql storage and bandwith, in user accounts ?

Directadmin might take DB's (from remote MySQL server) size into consideration, but not bandwidth, I'd rather say.
Ok, thanks for your reply.
I will try something, and if it works, I will report it.

But it will take some time...