Quota Enforcement Problems


Verified User
Jun 17, 2006
I would defintely classify this as a bug. I have all the quotas and everything setup through directadmin yet some users are able to grossly exceed the quota somehow. I think it is through access logs if that is being tallied in users quota.

I recently had a client under a vampire ddos attack. They used up all their bandwidth and was suspended. Then one day my server went down, I went in and checked and their logs had actually used my entire 250gb hard drive.

Also I think it is not only logs. For example I am looking at my user list now and for some reason a client which is not even suspended was able to grossly exceed their disk space usage with nothing stopping it.
9677.9 / 8192 is what it shows for their disk usage.

In the past I had similar situations but did not give them much thought until the recent hard drive filling up.

DA seems to keep track of the quotas just fine and give alerts on the usage, all that stuff but it does not enforce these quotas. If it is using basic linux quota management it should be. .

Both servers I have seen this happen on are vanilla DA servers with no modifications or anything - simply a server that started fresh with DA using all the default and reccomended settings.

I notice my cpanel servers use the purequota and they are able to block further disk usage. Is there any reason directadmin cannot? Or have I overlooked some default setting that I was supposed to change to something else?

Please elaborate on this. Keep in mind this is not a DA bashing thread or cpanel comparison, I love my DA servers but I cannot be having these problems because it would require babysitting the servers quite often.
