Quota Error - sh: /usr/sbin/setquota: No such file or direc


Verified User
Mar 1, 2006
Hi, sorry if I'm asking a stupidly obvious question. I'm new to Linux, reselling and directadmin - I know, a horrible combination.

I've setup a reseller account on my VPS, and logged in to my reseller account to create a user.

However I got an error like this on creation as well as when i try to update the user's details.

Error with system Quotas
sh: /usr/sbin/setquota: No such file or directory

Have tried
quotaon -a
when at the bash shell, but get quotaon: command not found

Tried cat /etc/fstab
results screenshot can be accessed at http://jinson.ath.cx:8080/quotatrouble.gif

Any advice? Would be most grateful!
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quota is not installed, you need to install it.

Search the forums, there have been a rash of quota problem threads recently.
jmstacey said:
quota is not installed, you need to install it.

Search the forums, there have been a rash of quota problem threads recently.

Hi yep i've been reading them....but if quotas aren't installed, does it mean i'll need to contact my vps host to install them for me? Or can i do it myself?
I'm guessing ...

If your host has provided the quota code in the kernel, you can probably set it yourself.

If not, then no.

The best place to get answers to questions like yours is from your hosting provider.
