Quota issue for only 1 out of 3 mailboxes (same user).


Verified User
Sep 13, 2017
Hi everyone,

A client came up with the message that he could not change the quota of his mailbox, we looked into it and we can't either. Typically it only applies to 1 out of 3 mailboxes in the user's account, for the other mailboxes quota can be adjusted. The 'save' button in this case just doesn't work.

Because the previous quota (info@ box) was no longer sufficient, we eventually adjusted it manually so that the customer was helped in any case. The relevant quota file does not show any deviations.

[root@app01]# ls -hal /etc/virtual/domain.nl/quota
-rw-r----- 1 mail mail 66 18 feb 13:03 /etc/virtual/domain.nl/quota

[root@app01]# cat /etc/virtual/domain.nl/quota


Checked versions (e.g. exim, da, etc.), all are latest.

I am very curious if anyone else has also experienced this issue - and what turned out to be the cause and solution.

I just found the cause and you could call it a semi-bug. In any case, it puts you on the wrong track. The info@ mailbox concerned had previously been assigned an individual 'send limit' of 1000. This while the other 2 mailboxes on the same user use the global limit (200). Using the individual limit makes the 'save' button inactive because it's already over the global send limit, while the quota setting is under the same function. The save button becomes inactive because the global limit is decisive.

A strange combination of circumstances and not a case that will often arise. Anyway, if you run into it, this may also be your case.