Quota question


Verified User
Mar 15, 2005
I've added 2 new hard drives. What I did was mounted the drives to /mnt/hd1 and /mnt/hd2. I then setup a bind so that /mnt/hd1/movies was bound to /home/movies/public_html It works great and I can move data to that directory now and it gets stored on the referenced hard drive. My only question is that DA does not count that domains space usage on that mounted drive, it only updates for what is in the private_html, and public_ftp and mail directory. Any suggestions on what I could do for DA to recognize and enable quotas on the 2 new drives that are mounted.

Not totally sure as I'm still learning DA myself. I have noticed though that DA will count who actually owns the files on the hard drive against the owners account. For example I had a website who's files were owned by another client by mistake. The webspace usage was counted incorrectly against the second client.

Are the files correctly owned?


Yep, but some data is on different drives mounted to /home/DOMAIN/public_html, it's not counting the space from those other drives. I'm assuming that some how DA has to be told to check those other drives or that it's something on the linux OS side that needs changed/added.
I'm not sure if this will make a difference or not, and I don't have time to look it up right now...


Have you got quotas enabled on your new drive?


Disk quotas are on, I use webmin and can click on users and groups and it lists the users and the amount of space they are using.

I found this in the DA conf file at the very end and I'm thinking this has to be changed to include the pats but I'm not sure



Here is what I did and it's working now.....atleast for now :)



It's updating the quotas as we speak..

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Hope it helps someone else later on.
Take that back

Well I AM closer to figuring it out, ufortunately when you list the quota option at the bottom of the conf file like I did it does not run on the / and /mnt/hd1 and only does /mnt/hd2 there has to be a way to list multiple variables so that it updates on all 3.
I was wondering why when uploading through ftp it does not say you have exceeded your quotas or something to that Nature? The following message below is what i get instead

227 Entering Passive Mode (69,30,198,114,133,56).
STOR /cedega443.tar.gz

150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /cedega443.tar.gz
Error: Could not write to socket: Broken pipe
Disconnecting from site ftp.xcc.us
Could not download /home/scott/Downloads/cedega443.tar.gz from local filesystem
Error: Remote site local filesystem disconnected. Will reconnect in 30 seconds
Looking up ftp.xcc.us
Trying ftp.xcc.us:21
Connected to ftp.xcc.us:21
220 ProFTPD 1.2.10 Server ready.
USER scott

331 Password required for scott.
PASS xxxx
230 User scott logged in.

215 UNIX Type: L8

200 Type set to I

250 CWD command successful

227 Entering Passive Mode (69,30,198,114,133,57).
REST 2027520

350 Restarting at 2027520. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
STOR /cedega443.tar.gz

554 /cedega443.tar.gz: invalid REST argument
Loading directory listing / from server (LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8)

227 Entering Passive Mode (69,30,198,114,133,58).

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete.

If you do know why, would you happen to know how to correct this problem?
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Since DirectAdmins tally only runs every 24 hours (by default), it's possible to go over your quota's inbetween them.

Configuring a hard quota limit should do what you want it to do.
Well not anymore actually, that use to be the case but it has changed to every 10 minutes. That was not my question about how the quotas works but i was asking if anyone knew how to solve the issue i posted above.
how can we get directadmin to update quotas more often than 24 hours? its kinda annoying because alot could happen in 24 hours
Well I AM closer to figuring it out, ufortunately when you list the quota option at the bottom of the conf file like I did it does not run on the / and /mnt/hd1 and only does /mnt/hd2 there has to be a way to list multiple variables so that it updates on all 3.

I have also been wondering the resolution on this. Has DA been made to accept comma delimited partitions or accept multiples of this variable yet?