Quota - Total Disk Usage


Verified User
Apr 29, 2005

I a have some problems with Disk Usage / Total Disk Usage.

For example, my customer has /home/customer/. This Customer has 50 Mo on the server, no emails, 1 FTP, and Bandwidth unlimited. And this account was created 1 day ago.


DirectAdmin :

Total Disk Usage for Customer : 28,8 / 50
Disk Usage : 9.62 Mo
MySQL : 6.50 Mo

It's strange, because for me 9,62 + 6,50 does 16.12 and not 28.8.

Ok, so, I think some other files are owned by this user. Go SSHD.

quota -v customer

22824 / 51200

Hum ... ok ....

So find / -user customer :
Nothing except in /proc/ and in home/domains/


I download entirely his account with FTP client, and on my hard disk, his disk usage is really 10 Mo.

So, I really don't understand and accept some help. because he asks me why his account lost 12 Mo lol ^^
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I notice this:

Da tels that this user used 100MB
de directory domains is 50MB great
de log and databases are 2MB
we missing 48MB

ok, well now the funny one:
If i deleted the directory "domains" and I update de stats in DA than I get this:
Total Disk Usage (meg) 2MB

When i placed the directoy "domains" back DA tells:
Total Disk Usage (meg) 100MB

Funny, because the directory "domains" is totaly 50MB

Also tried to download the direcorry and on my personal pc this directory is: 50MB

What going rong?

Yeah exactly, i have this problem since one year, and i no solution at this time :-|
I have the same problem here. The guide is not the solution for me.

The problem is that the file-explorer in DA shows something different than the total in the DA account. So at least both places should use the same calculation method. I consider that as a kind of bug.

Than the size itselfs. I think it has to do with the block size and a lot fo small files. The actual size is 17MB but it shows like 39MB. 3.340 small files are stored.