ram problem on directadmin server


Verified User
Nov 18, 2022
My VPS has 6 GB of ram.
I only have 2 Wordpress Websites running.
I often check the system screen on directadmin, my php runs at a maximum of 1.5 GB, then 2 websites crash with error 502.
I do not understand.
Is it due to PHP's maximum ram usage limit of 1.5 GB or is it because my VPS has too little RAM? Or is the directadmin system and WP + Database source code taking up too much RAM?
Can anyone give me some advice on this issue?
Check logs for more details, if it ram issue - there must be something like "ommkiller" or "memory exhausted".
My vps with 8G ram serves 30 WP websites, maybe change/replace plugins in WP because 1,5G ram it's a lot, for my websites 192-256m enough, i have 6-12 plugins per each website.
That should be plenty of RAM for two Wordpress sites. I run three and only consume 1.3 G with another 2.0 G cached. I also only allocated 256M for php.
ommkiller can you elaborate on this?

Normally the PHP in my system monitor is only about 200 to 300 MB.
For example, when logging under admin admin to write and edit articles.... it goes up to 800 to 1500 MB.
How should I solve this problem? Thank you very much.