Random bug in Welcome Email


Verified User
Oct 8, 2003
A client got back to us today with a bug in Welcome Email, which seems random in nature. And since I have never seen it happen before, so it could be due to last version upgrade.

Here is what happened...

1] New Account was setup under Reseller account

2] Welcome EMail text was already customized and showing perfectly in the "Edit User Message" box.

3] Account was created normally, no errors

4] Creator duplicate email was received NORMALLY with the proper customized text.

5] User however got the Welcome Email with DEFAULT (i.e. OLD) text, the one that bundles with an install of DA.

6] The password field in Welcome Email had this...

Password: * irretrievable *

We came to know about this only when new customer contacted support to know what's happening, because the Creator Duplicate received at our end was Normal.

I've created a new test account using own email and it came out fine, so I suspect some random behaviour to this.

For now, I've just gone and pressed SAVE in "Edit User Message" 2 times...just to be sure it sticks :rolleyes: But it seems to be a bug, that pops up randomly !!
Ok, tested a bit and managed to replicate the error...so its not random, happens everytime under those conditions.

1] The password irretrievable error happens only when the Welcome email is RESENT by Server Admin or Reseller. Doesn't happen in original Welcome Email.

2] When Welcome email is Resent by Reseller, the proper & normal Welcome email is sent but password is STILL shown as "irretrievable"

3] When Welcome email is Resent by Server Admin, then INSTEAD of the customized version, the DEFAULT Welcome email is sent and password is ALSO shown as "irretrievable".

So, now its a bug...and replicable.

Thanks for the thoroughness of your research :)

The *irretrievable* password will always happen with a resend because the passwords are never stored in plain text and cannot be retrieve due to their one way encryption. Only during the account creation does DA ever know the plain text password, which is why you only ever see it with the first email.

As for the default message being sent... I'm not able to duplicate that on our build systems. Whenever I do a resend, it's sending the customized version of the file. Are you ever clicking "Reset to Default" ? .. not sure what's up.


I've had this problem as well, and in fact I brought it to your attention some time ago.


The *irretreivable* bit isn't a bug, the password can't be retrieved after the user is created.

I still can't duplicate DA sending the default message when using the resend feature.. :confused: it's always sending whats in the u_welcome.txt file for the Reseller.

DirectAdmin Support said:
The *irretreivable* bit isn't a bug, the password can't be retrieved after the user is created.
I agree and certainly understand.
I still can't duplicate DA sending the default message when using the resend feature.. :confused: it's always sending whats in the u_welcome.txt file for the Reseller.
I agree that it doesn't seem to be happening now, but I recall having a problem with it, and writing you about it.

Perhaps I misunderstand, though.

Once I edit the file to send to the new user, is that edit saved for a resend? Or must I edit the default file again later?

If that edit is saved, where?

If it's not, will you consider adding the feature so an edited welcome message can be resent?


Hi Guys,

When you click "Save" the file is stored in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/reseller/u_welcome.txt. It will be used for every user created. It will stay that way until you either change it again, or Reset it to the default, where it will be saved as the default. If you reset it to the default, all users/resend will get the reset default value. If you save your customized version and never touch it, all new users/resends will get your customized version.

Both new users and resends get a tokenized copy of the u_welcome.txt file, with whatever data it contains at the time you send it.


I realize this is an old message... I ran across this problem and here's what I found...

Logged in as admin I resent the Welcome Email for a "Reseller"... The admin's Welcome Email was customized (u_welcome.txt) but... The Welcome Email under that Reseller's account was not customized.

The resent Welcome Email that the Reseller got was not customized. It appears that the Welcome Email that was sent, by the admin, was the Reseller's Welcome Email.

Hope that makes sense...

It's been a while since I visited this, but here's what I think is happening:

If you login as admin, then bring up the domain, then click on resend, the admin's current welcome email is being sent.

If you login as reseller, then bring up the domain, then click on resend, the reseller's current welcome email is being sent.

I'm not sure how feasible it is to change this so the reseller's welcome email is always sent.


I'm not sure how feasible it is to change this so the reseller's welcome email is always sent.


I disagree... If I am logged in as admin and resend a Welcome Email then it should use the admin's Welcome Email.

What I described above does not happen like that when the admin resends a Welcome Email to a Reseller... It uses that Reseller's Welcome Email.
