Random Password Help!


New member
Mar 22, 2005
Okaiz, I was just received my box 30 minutes ago and then I mess around with DA for awhile by changing the Admin information and stuff....I changed the email then check the Random Password box then accidently click send and now i can't log back in with the old password.......i didnt even receive any new password either..........:(

I'm stuck outside.........how am i suppose to get my password back now?

Thanks for helping me out.....................
dlk said:
Okaiz, I was just received my box 30 minutes ago and then I mess around with DA for awhile by changing the Admin information and stuff....I changed the email then check the Random Password box then accidently click send and now i can't log back in with the old password.......i didnt even receive any new password either..........:(

I'm stuck outside.........how am i suppose to get my password back now?

Thanks for helping me out.....................

Log into your box using SSH with the user root and change the password of the user admin.

Onno Vrijburg
I'm a noob! i don't know what command to change the DA password....

can you tell me please??? thanks!
dlk said:
I'm a noob! i don't know what command to change the DA password....

can you tell me please??? thanks!

I am a noob to, in the shell, passwd admin <enter>


ps: if you're admin name is admin ... else change admin to you're admin name.