Random password on email change password


Verified User
May 13, 2004
Possible to add into the skin RANDOM password generator on the change password screen under email account of the user domain?
Thanks, John.

I hope people still have to type in the old password :) .

Otherwise I can have a lot of fun blocking everyone I know.

It's on the "change" Password/Quota page.. there is no "old password" field. The password is shown on the next screen anyway so you know what it is.

John, following your instructions it ends with an error message on the page. BTW the first line in your instruction to change the formname is not needed as the page allready contains the correct line.

Here is my modified page showing the error:

|?TREE=» <a class=tree href="/CMD_SHOW_DOMAIN?domain=`DOMAIN`">`DOMAIN`</a> » <a class=tree href="/CMD_EMAIL_POP?DOMAIN=`DOMAIN`">`LANG_POP_ACCOUNTS`</a> » <a class=tree href="/HTM_EMAIL_POP_MODIFY?DOMAIN=`DOMAIN`&USER=`USER`">`LANG_MODIFY` `USER`</a>|

<script language="Javascript">


// -->

<table class=list cellpadding=3 cellspacing=1>
	<form name=info action="CMD_EMAIL_POP" method="post">
		<input type=hidden name=action value=modify>
		<input type=hidden name=domain value="|DOMAIN|">
		<input type=hidden name=user value="|USER|">

		<tr><td class=listtitle colspan=2>|LANG_POP_MODIFY|</td></tr>

		<tr><td class=list>|LANG_POP_USERNAME|</td><td class=list>|USER|@|DOMAIN|</td></tr>
		<tr><td class=list>|LANG_NEW_PASS|</td><td class=list><input type=password name=passwd size=16> |LANG_LEAVE_BLANK|</td></tr>
		<tr><td class=list>|LANG_RE-ENTER_PASS|:</td><td class=list><input type=password name=passwd2 size=16> <input type=button value="|LANG_RANDOM|" onClick="randomPass()"></td></tr>
		<tr><td class=list>|LANG_EMAIL_QUOTA|</td><td class=list><input type=text name=quota size=16 value="|QUOTA|"> |LANG_ZERO_UNLIMITED|</td></tr>
		<tr><td class=listtitle colspan=3 align=right>
			<input type=submit name=update value="|LANG_MODIFY|">
