One of my systems keeps locking up on random processes. Last night it was Bind, this morning it's Apache, later today it might be MySQL. It's a very fun guessing game of massive downtime for my system....
When a process decides to lock, there's nothing that I can do to make it stop. 'kill -9 XXXX' has no effect. The process has no parent to try and kill. It simply freezes and slowly causes the load on the system to creep higher and higher (although performance doesn't appear to be effected). Once a process has locked, the system won't allow me to SSH in, HTTP doesn't respond, DNS queries go unanswered... If I'm lucky enough to have an open SSH connection when this happens and I try to reboot, the system freezes completely and must be restarted manually (pull the plug!)...
Anyone ever experience anything like this? It smells like a hardware issue to me (because of the randomness)...
When a process decides to lock, there's nothing that I can do to make it stop. 'kill -9 XXXX' has no effect. The process has no parent to try and kill. It simply freezes and slowly causes the load on the system to creep higher and higher (although performance doesn't appear to be effected). Once a process has locked, the system won't allow me to SSH in, HTTP doesn't respond, DNS queries go unanswered... If I'm lucky enough to have an open SSH connection when this happens and I try to reboot, the system freezes completely and must be restarted manually (pull the plug!)...
Anyone ever experience anything like this? It smells like a hardware issue to me (because of the randomness)...