Raw Log Files for the past 6 months.


Verified User
Jul 2, 2006
Seattle, WA Area
I have a customer who wants to download and analyze his log files for the past six months. When I looked at the Apache usage backup (Site Stats > Apache Usage Log)...it was only 5 days EEEK!

My client is going to freak.

Are the logs stashed somewhere or am I out of luck?

Can I set DA to archive more than five days of log files...like last 30 days (1 site at a time). I don't want to pile up mountains of stats for every site...just a few sites.
One month is industry standard. Unless you've got a TOS that says you save log files your customer has no right to freak.

If your customer needs something like this they need their own dedicated or virtual server.

TY for the ammo to fire back if he gets excited.

However, as far as I can tell, the system only stores 5 days be default.
How can I crank that up to 30 days?

It looks like DA archives a day at a time...requiring the download and handling of 30 files. Is it possible to compile all the data into one file for the month?

I can't find more than 5 daily logfiles either. But when u choose to view the webalyzer stats it shows everything since the initial server setup.
So I assume they have to be stored somewhere?!

Has anyone got a clues where?


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My error in my earlier post. DA only keeps per domain logs for five days. If you believe it should for longer, contact DA staff or post here in Feedback & Feature Requests.

Webalizer keeps it's own summaries in it's own format.

Automatically email raw log files every night?

I do need more options for handling raw log files.

Good: Archived 1 day's stats at a time so my nightly incremental backup isn't backing up one large Month file every night.

BAD: Only saves 5 days when my client wants 30.
BAD: Hassle to log into the system and click on each file.

SOLUTION: Option to email log files to a specified address each night...then my customers can do what they want with the logs...and I don't have to archive them.

Can this be done with a Cron or by adding something clever to the process that archives the log file?
Yes, I have the same question: how can I store logs for more than 5 last days? I have VPS, so I think there should be a config somewhere to change this...
Please let me know if this is a viable solution to your problem:
  1. Login to DirectAdmin as the "admin" user.
  2. Make sure you are at the Admin Level.
  3. Click on Administrator Settings.
  4. Change the value for Keep Number of Apache Log Backups to whatever you want (default is 5).
  5. Click the Save button.
I hope this helps.