Re-install custombuild


Verified User
Sep 22, 2008
Is it possible to reinstall custombuild?

I have custombuild script version 1.1.18 and want to update to the very latest.
However when I run the ./build script I get errors:

./build: line 1439: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
./build: line 1440: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I have no idea why but the build script seams to be corrupted.
What is the best way to upgrade/ re-install?
Thanks for the reply. I was thinking to do this but...

Would this not overwrite custom configs made in that folder?
Which files have to be taken care of in case this might be a problem?

BTW: Can I directly step up to 1.2 custombuild script?
Or would this cause other problems, or maybe no benefit?
I think that you should just save options.conf file , i dont think custom directory get removed, but, copy that aswell is not a bad choose...

Best should be...

cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_OLD
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz 
mv custombuild_OLD/custom custombuild/custom
mv custombuild_OLD/options.conf custombuild/options.conf

This should be enough, once you checked everything is fine you should run

rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild_OLD

And how about moving direct to 1.2 or is this still beta?
Would that make a change to me concerning functionality and features?
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If you are using PHP4 you CANT move to 1.2

If you use PHP5+ then just edit your options.conf file and change the right line.
