I've been playing around a bit with my DA and Custombuild versions and configurations. I messed it up somewhere along the road and need to reinstall custombuild.
All manuals suggest using the tar at http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/2.0/custombuild.tar.gz but this file and actually whole folder does not exist anymore. Neither is it available through any of the mirrors (as far as I know).
I tried installing custombuild 1 instead and then upgrading to 2 from there. But custumbuild 1 is conflicting with my other DA settings and im unable to run it successfully.
I feel like i'm missing something here... it cant be this hard right?
All help is welcome
Thank you!
I've been playing around a bit with my DA and Custombuild versions and configurations. I messed it up somewhere along the road and need to reinstall custombuild.
All manuals suggest using the tar at http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/2.0/custombuild.tar.gz but this file and actually whole folder does not exist anymore. Neither is it available through any of the mirrors (as far as I know).
I tried installing custombuild 1 instead and then upgrading to 2 from there. But custumbuild 1 is conflicting with my other DA settings and im unable to run it successfully.
I feel like i'm missing something here... it cant be this hard right?
All help is welcome
Thank you!