(re)installing custombuild 2 but tar file is offline


New member
Nov 7, 2023

I've been playing around a bit with my DA and Custombuild versions and configurations. I messed it up somewhere along the road and need to reinstall custombuild.

All manuals suggest using the tar at http://files.directadmin.com/services/custombuild/2.0/custombuild.tar.gz but this file and actually whole folder does not exist anymore. Neither is it available through any of the mirrors (as far as I know).

I tried installing custombuild 1 instead and then upgrading to 2 from there. But custumbuild 1 is conflicting with my other DA settings and im unable to run it successfully.

I feel like i'm missing something here... it cant be this hard right?

All help is welcome

Thank you!
I tried installing custombuild 1 instead and then upgrading to 2 from there
That is ancient stuff. We had custombuild 1.1 and 1.2 and later it became 2.0 for years.

Might be better if you could say what exactly is missing now. You could use the setup.sh again and tell it to use your current options.conf but you might loose current mysql entry's as mysql/mariadb will be rebuild if I'm not mistaken.

If you're "build" binary is still from the correct custombuild version and you have a correct options.conf then you could just rebuild everything.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build all d
Hi Richard,

Thank you for your answer. I eventually found a guide online with a working url for downloading custombuild (http://www.custombuild.eu/plugin/custombuild.tar.gz)

I then used the plugin manager to install this plugin, and went ahead to use the plugin manager again to update it. I am now running the following version, which is 2.0.0 if im not mistaken:
custombuild1.0.371.0.37yesyesyesMartynas Bendorius, JBMC Software

But, "nothing" works anymore.

When I open the "edit options" page via DA it states right away:
Incompatible MariaDB 10.6 version is configured, version '' is not part of '10.6', please check if there is a custom version configured for 'mariadb10.6'.

The same happens when running any kind of custombuild command via terminal:

[root@server custombuild]# ./build options Incompatible MariaDB 10.6 version is configured, version '' is not part of '10.6', please check if there is a custom version configured for 'mariadb10.6'. [root@server custombuild]# ./build versions Incompatible MariaDB 10.6 version is configured, version '' is not part of '10.6', please check if there is a custom version configured for 'mariadb10.6'. [root@server custombuild]# ./build set mariadb 10.6 [B]mariadb[/B] is already set to [B]10.6[/B]

I tried removing the options.conf file from /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild and regenerate it with ./build all but the same error appears.

[root@server custombuild]# ./build update command does nothing (empty output, no changes)

Feel like im in a bit of a vicious circle here where I need to run certain commands to fix my options/config but cant run them because my current config is broken.

Any help or pointers are welcome
its not an plugin anymore , its part of DA now
Thanks. I just found out about this too. After running " da update --force" my config file seem to be successfully generated. However, now the Custombuild 2.0 option is gone from within DA admin panel (was previously under 'extra features'). Is this expected behaviour?
Switched to evo skin now and making some progress. Thanks so far, will report back once everything is up and running again