recomended hard disk partitions?


Verified User
Jun 24, 2003
on the net!

#1 - I will install Direct Admin to a test box.
I just wonder what are the recomended hard drive partitioning before installaton.

I normally use

/boot ~ 40 Mb
/swap ~ 1GB (512Mb memory on box)
/ ~ for the rest

But as I understand DA requires a Home partition itself?

I will use 2x40GB Ide Drives on my box
1 for main system 1 for backup purposes..

Please recommend me the identical custom partitioning for Direct Admin.

#2 - I will install RH 8.0 On my test box. I really appreciate if someone sends a kickstart configuration file for Direct Admin ready Rh 8.0 Installation..
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John will reply with a comprehensive partition scheme shortly. I just wanted to add that we no longer require a /home partition. A /home directory will work instead.

Mark I have just noticed that.

I Installed direct admin without a home partiton without any problems.

Install script just threw some error messeges when installing that it can not find a /home partition in /etc/fstab and mtab but continues without any problems.

I use my default partition schema in my first messege.

Also my DirectADmin is already installed and working perfectly except the ftp error messege which I already read about in other threads.

I am playing with my Direct Admin right now and I must say I am Really impressed about the capabilities of it. Your demo is only showing half of it.

The scheme you used will work fine.

I see you've already got it running, but I'll make a few comments for anyone else who may read this...

This is assuming a drive around 30+ gig..

/usr ~5 Gig or more
/boot ~ 40 Meg
/ 1 Gig or more
swap 2*ram
/var 4-10 Gig or more (used for email and logs)
/home fill the rest of the drive. Should use the majority of the space.

Now you should note that if you have a really small drive, or you're worried about filling up one partition, you can absolutely combine different partions into one.. (mainly /var and /home)... Most vps system only have one / partition, and that scheme seems to work fine.

Bottom line, you should be able to use whatever you want.

With the release of 1.05 20 days ago, you can set the partition that will be used for quotas, so it can really be anything.


Just wondering for security reasons.. Does DirectAdmin support a /tmp partition with noexec turned on?
I don't see why not... DirectAdmin uses the /home/tmp folder, so as long as none of the other services need it, sure.


*Note: this has never been tried :)

Normally use:

/boot 500 MB (ext2)
/ ~ for the rest (ext4)

Normally the vps bring vSwap, and I don't usually create the swap partition.

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I think some threads should be archived so that nobody can respond to them anymore.
I think some threads should be archived so that nobody can respond to them anymore.
I suggested that in 2017 everyone told me off. I think there is a lot of clean up on here to be done. Like any sub forum which is based on EOL version should be turned hidden or deleted. Most any post 10 years old + is not valid. I think DA should make some of us admin/mods.
@DirectAdmin Sales

Normally use:
Please don't necropost.
Like any sub forum which is based on EOL version should be turned hidden or deleted
I don't agree because some still use EOL versions and there is a lot of interesting worthfull info in old posts.
However, automatic closing of threads after 2 or 3 years since last post would be a good thing. Info will be visible, replying won't be possible.

Or indeed maybe some simple mods (don't need to be super mods) who can move necroposts to new post and close the old one would be nice. I already know some volunteers I think. :)
Indeed, there is still so much useful information in old threads, why delete it?

+1 for locking (or disabling quick reply) for old threads