recompile Apache *1.3* with PHP 5, MySQL 5 ?


Verified User
Jan 27, 2006
Hello All:

We have an old DirectAdmin install ... on an old (version 3) CentOS. We upgraded PHP some time ago, and MySQL to 5.1 yesterday.... but trying to use the new "Custombuild" script to also update Apache to version 2 gives us an error that is obviously very hard to resolve (I searched for info for an entire day and tries avrious things):
" Error, SSL/TLS libraries were missing or unusable "
(Described here: )

T h e r f o r e -- instead of trying to upgrade to Apache 2.x, how can I recompile Apache 1.3 with (already installed MySQL 5.1) and PHP 5.x (already running)?

Can anyone be so kind to post some concrete info? That would be great, thanks.

John :confused:
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I should add that the "Customapache" script is gone now -- replaced by "Custombuild".
Can I still download "Customapache" anywhere .... or can Apache 1.3 also be build using the "Custombuild" script.

Running custombuild has never deleted customapache on our servers; you've probably deleted it yourself.

Have you looked here? There's a directory called customapache.

But you should be able to downgrade to Apache 1.3 with custombuild; look for the line apache_ver in the options.conf file.

In the meantime I received some support from DirectAdmin Support ... and this worked:

Custombuild does support apache 1.3, so you could go that route.
To customize apache 1.3, it would be:

Related (just change the mentioned path)

create the custom folder (custom/ap1) and copy it there.

As mentioned, this worked fine for me.
