I'm using DA on a dedicated box. I have SSH setup to accept requests on one IP address that doesn't have any websites hosted on it.
I also have KISS firewall which allows incoming connections on port 22 for that IP.
I've run into some networks that don't allow an outbound connection on port 22.
What I'd like to do is have port 80 on this particular IP become the SSH port. Is this possible to do without breaking port 80 on the other IPs?
I imagine I'll need to edit an SSH config file, KISS and probably some Apache config file but I'm not sure where to begin.
Any help is appreciated.
I also have KISS firewall which allows incoming connections on port 22 for that IP.
I've run into some networks that don't allow an outbound connection on port 22.
What I'd like to do is have port 80 on this particular IP become the SSH port. Is this possible to do without breaking port 80 on the other IPs?
I imagine I'll need to edit an SSH config file, KISS and probably some Apache config file but I'm not sure where to begin.
Any help is appreciated.