Redis does not appear to work


Verified User
Sep 23, 2024
It is enabled in custombuild and I try to use it in a Wordpress site. However, when I try to follow the info here, I see no "Redis" option in Advanced features.

Enable redis for your user by going to user level -> Advanced Features -> Redis. Take note of the Path to redis socket file value.

I also tried these on the shell and I got command not recognized:

systemctl status redis
redis-cli ping


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Most likely you are on directadmin legacy license which does not have this function enabled.
It was prepared by a tech and I can see Redis in phpinfo... Not sure if that means something....

When I click on the option to build Redis I get

You cannot install Redis, because you do not have redis=yes set in options.conf file.
I changed that option to yes, it did build, but now I get when I run redis-cli on terminal:

Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused

I opened TCP ports in CSF for 6379, restarted, same output.
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see them all: ls -la /home/*/.redis/redis.sock

.. and maybe in joomla: /domains/domain.xy/public_html/administrator/components/com_config/forms/application.xml
lines 140, 895 --> set min="1" --> min="0"