Redis updates


Verified User
Apr 5, 2016
The Netherlands

We have nearly 40 servers with Redis installed. These Redis installations have been installed before Custombuild included Redis. Since yesterday we get the following errors when running ./build update_versions:

root@server:/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild# ./build update_versions
Updating Redis
You cannot install Redis, because you do not have redis=yes set in options.conf file.

Is it possible to let Custombuild ignore our own Redis installations without getting this error?
I've noticed the Redis update on my CentOS 7 machine as well which suddenly came with a "Redis 5.0.5 to 6.2.3 update is available." notification. I wasn't even aware that installing Redis was an option or installed but as I like to have it I've added it to my options.conf.

After updating Redis there is also no Redis service active, haven't really looked into it yet but there seems to be something off which the whole service?
Wait does DA include redis now, will this be a regular feature or a pro-pack feature?
wait what?!
its in Pre release in RC1

It is not GA yet.
Also asked for some more documentation, Redis is already an option in CB2 at the moment:
It needs manual configuration without Pro Pack, so, the same guides/documentation which you've used in the past for Redis should still work. GUI to control redis instances is a pro-pack feature.

It gets auto-configured for Rspamd, so, it's able to use redis as a backend without any changes and it runs redis-rspamd.service for this.
and what about the wordpress manager ? :O
It is not yet in the Pro Pack. Currently more advanced email Track&Trace and GIT manager are in progress. WordPress manager development should follow after.
It needs manual configuration without Pro Pack, so, the same guides/documentation which you've used in the past for Redis should still work. GUI to control redis instances is a pro-pack feature.

It gets auto-configured for Rspamd, so, it's able to use redis as a backend without any changes and it runs redis-rspamd.service for this.
Was hinting at specific DirectAdmin documentation on how to install/remove etc. Also it seem like Rspamd learn spam/ham doesn't work yet with this CB2 Redis install, is that a known bug?
Also it seem like Rspamd learn spam/ham doesn't work yet with this CB2 Redis install, is that a known bug?
It might be rspamd configuration issue (default configs not ready for this). A separate bug report with confirmation from other forum members would be great, unless it's a license with support - that way you may just create a DA support ticket.

Was hinting at specific DirectAdmin documentation on how to install/remove etc.
Do you mean ./build set redis yes; ./build redis ?
It might be rspamd configuration issue (default configs not ready for this). A separate bug report with confirmation from other forum members would be great, unless it's a license with support - that way you may just create a DA support ticket.
Posted the bug report here:

Do you mean ./build set redis yes; ./build redis ?
Yup, just the fact there is nothing on docs about build redis, seems like an omission. Maybe it could include some background info about the CB2 redis install configuration and how custom redis configuration files should look so they won't be overwritten with future updates etc.