registered but not configured Domain landing page

Verified User
Apr 22, 2006
Miami Beach
When someone registers a name through my reseller account, yet they do not add it to their hosting account through the control panel, by default the dns is still trying to find it on my servers, I would like to set up a page that says "this name is registersd, my company logo, you can get a cool name too" etc.
how would I do this?
as it is the person will get just a browser based page not found.
godaddy, enom, etc do this, so it cant be that hard
Through what reseller account? Obviously you don't mean DirectAdmin; DirectAdmin reseller accounts have no facility for end users to register domain names. Based on your website it appears you're using WHMCS.

There are tjree ways to do this. The first requires custom coding in whatever software you use for your customers to register domains. The second is a lot easier, requires a pair of nameservers used for nothing else, and is in violation of all the RFCs, but it works. The third may or may not be available to you depending on who you use to register your domains.

1) At the same time the user registers the domainyou run code to set up a zone in your nameservers, pointing him to a dedicated IP#. Have a domain set up at at the dedicated IP# (I've set up an example at and point the newly registered domain to that IP#. Your site can be a lot more complex than our example, and can use php code to read the domain name the visitor is looking for and even attract google advertising.

2) Create the site as above. Set up two nameservers (or one nameserver with two IP#s). Make these nameservers your default nameservers for newly registered domains. On these nameservers set up wildcard DNS zones for all the top level domains you sell, pointing to that same dedicated IP#.

3) Some Domain Registrars (mine, which works with WHMCS, for example) allow you to set this up automatically as an option for new domains (but WHMCS may not properly manage this; I'm not sure).

thought it would be simpler...

I use both enom and resellersclub for the names.
However, when a name is registered at either, the default nameservers are set automatically, so I assume when anyone on the internet types in the domain name, it quiries my server, as the hosting has not been set up on the server or the client has not added it to their existing account, the server says, sorry, nobody by that name here.... it is at this point that I would like the server to respond with something similar to a 404 error, but server wide.
DNS is DNS. It works the way it works. Sure you could set up a script (I don't know how; I'm not privy to how WHMCS works) to set up a zone file on your system without setting up the domain. But if you do that then WHMCS won't be able to set up that domain because the zone file will already exist, so DirectAdmin thinks the domain is already being hosted.

If people just buy domains and don't buy hosting do you use the WHMCS interface to sell the domains? Or do you use the Enom and/or ResellerClub interfaces? Both enom and ResellerClub interfaces should allow you to use their nameservers and have the functionality.

Please see my private message to you.
