registring the dns ??


Verified User
Dec 15, 2003

I have set up two name servers, ns1 and
I used zoneedit to manage the dns for the zone
Everything seems to work, when I do nslookup, i get its ip

The problem is when I want to transfer a domain on this server, my registrar says it cannot because the hosts ns1 and ns2 are not registret at the registry. what does this means ?

Do I have to state somewhere that ns1 and are name servers ???

Yes, somewhere at your registrar, there should be a setting for this. Your namesevers have to be registered so that a site will know where the namesever is if the record doesn't exist yet (Kind of like the chicken or the egg).

Thanks for this information, I didn't know about this.

Could someone give me the thing I have to change in my records ? I didn't find any information about this. And there is no option like this in zoneedit..
Ignore zoneedit, leave it out of the scene with this particular problem since it wont help :p.

Go to where ever you purchased your domain (ev1, namecheap, ukreg, 123reg, godaddy etc) and there should be an option to add host records / register nameservers.

If you are unsure contact the place whevever you purchased your domain and ask them about it :)

I have opened a ticket suport at my registrar but they are so slow.. and I think they don't know about this problem, from the answers I have recieved from them.

thanks for the reply, I ll leave zonne edit and try to put some pressure on my registrar. (french company : )

Do ev1, namecheap, ukreg, 123reg, godaddy provide this kind of service ?

if they do I ll transfer my domain on them..
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Ok, that's the glue records I have to define, I had completely forgot about that thing.

It seems my actual registrar doesn't allow to set them up, I ll transfer my domain to another one.

Thanks for all.