ReiserFS and quota problem


Verified User
Apr 27, 2004
Hi all,

I just got started with DA today on a server that has been set up for a client of mine. I installed RH9 on the server and chose ReiserFS for the filesystem type. Unfortunately, I just discovered that ReiserFS does not support quotas!

So I think I have to reinstall the OS and select ext3 as the filesystem type so quotas will work. However, I came across this thread: and that indicates that maybe I don't have to reinstall, but just modify a crontab file.

My question is - what does the crontab modification do? I ran the crontab commands manually, but they don't seem to have any effect on the ReiserFS partition. I even used "strace" to see what the system calls are doing, but it doesn't look like much is going on. How does DA interact with this quota command in the crontab file, and what does increasing the frequency do?

Thank you,
Greg Larkin
You could add the reiserfs/quota patches that SuSE uses. You can find them Here
That is what I used, since I had already shipped my computer to the datacenter and wasn't about to pay a lot of $$ for and OS reinstall. I have had no problems at all using these patches.

Just follow the directions in the README and do all the patches in the order specified.
Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply and the pointer to the quota patches. I did run across those last night in my research, but I'm not sure I want to get into adding them into the stock RH9 kernel. I am trying to stick with the standard kernel so it can be upgraded easily whenever patches are released. Of course, now that RH is dropping support, maybe it won't be such a big deal anyway. I may decide to do what you suggest.

However, this comment from another post still intrigues me:


It will still work if quotas are not enabled on the system, however you'll need to increase the frequencey of the quotacheck command in it's cron file.

Edit: /etc/cron.d/directadmin_cron and change the quota line to:

5 0 0 * * root quotaoff -a; quotacheck -augm; quotaon -a;

this will run it every day, so that the disk usages are updated properly.

(Note you might actually be able to remove the quotaoff and quotaon parts of the line because they just complain about not having quotas anyway, but I havn't tested this, so can't say for sure)


I tried running those commands manually on my system, but they didn't seem to do anything. Also, I am wondering how increasing the frequency of the quotacheck command will do anything different? I assume that DA has to read the quota files in the root of the filesystem and analyze them? Without quota support in ReiserFS, those files won't be created as far as I can tell.
