[RELEASE] Ensim to DA Converter


Verified User
May 30, 2003

Package: daConvert
Version: .5 Beta

This package consists of two parts, an Import and an Export script. You can find these packages here:




Please remember that this package is still only in it's BETA stage, so you may find minor bugs (please notify me of them). This package is open source, but may not be distributed without my permission.

daConvert will only work on Namebased sites. The following is transfered during the execution of daConvert:

- E-Mail accounts and forwards (passwords are reset)
- HTML, CGI-BIN and Ensim's "perl" directory for users
- MySQL database (database is renamed from domain_com to username_db)
- A custom DA welcome message is configured and sent to your client's once their site is transfered (it informs them of new changes, and their new password).
- DirectAdmin vhost templates are modified to make domain.com/perl work as a cgi-bin for clients who used Ensim's "perl" directory
- Transfers occur nearly immediately. Once the Ensim daExport script is run, the Ensim site is suspended, and daExport modifies the domain's zone file. The zone file is updated to point to the IP address of your DA server, so downtime should last no more than 5-6 minutes. Exports are automagically FTPed to your DA server.


- SSH to your DirectAdmin server, then su - (daImport and daExport MUST be run as root)
- cd /root/
- wget http://www.infinityservers.com/directadmin/daImport.tar
- tar fxp daImport.tar
- cd /daImport/
- ./daImportInstaller (answer the questions ACCURATELY)
- Login as the admin user to your DirectAdmin account, as a Reseller, create your packages and note their names (and their case - this is CRITICAL).
- Edit /root/daImport/templates/u_welcome.txt to suit your needs (not required, but suggested)
- SSH to your Ensim server, then su -
- cd /root/
- wget http://www.infinityservers.com/directadmin/daExport.tar
- tar fxp daExport.tar
- cd /daExport/
- ./daExportInstaller
- Open /root/daExport/conf/variables.inc.php and edit the $packages array to suit your needs (use the EXACT package names that you created in DA earlier). Save your changes. Don't edit the rest of the variables.inc.php file!

Once daImport and daExport are installed, you can transfer a site one at a time:


- On your Ensim server (as root), run ./daExport siteNumber packageName
- Once your site has been exported: On your DA server (as root), run ./daImport domainname.com

That's it!

Please report any bugs, errors or suggestions to me to help improve this package.

Thank you!
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trying to install the converter script.

I am trying to install this converter script.
I will try to move some domains from my ensim pro server to my directadmin server for testing by this way. If this will work more than 300 sites are waiting for me :)
I hope that this script is ensim pro compatible.

When I try to execute ./daImportInstaller script it gives me this error:

PHP Notice: Constant STDIN already defined in /root/daImport/daImportInstaller on line 57

and stucks here .

I checked the script and in line 57


is written.

But I am no php or bash expert. This error means nothing to me :)

Please help.

I have experienced this error when installing on additional servers also, I am going to release a patched version of the converter shortly that works around this issue.

As far as Ensim Pro compatibility, in theory, it should work so long as the directory structures are the same. However, it has not been tested.
is it still in development? i still get the php STDIN error.

and btw, if passwords are reset and a custom DA welcome message is being sent to users, how are they going to read it?
if DA Staff make a good transfer toole (between Ensim to DA) i will buy 3 more licenses.
Just an update...this tool should not be used. It worked when I initially transfered clients, but things have changed, and I'm sure I did custom tweaking that is not included in this package. So:

DO NOT USE ;). Thanks :!

If your original post that started this thread isn't too old to edit (I know some forum software places limits on time-to-edit) perhaps you can edit the top of the thread to say "DO NOT USE" or something similar?

Just an idea :) .

Matt, can you please then edit your first post to indicate it's dead?

Or should I just delete the thread (you can, as well).
