{RELEASE} Installatron :: AWBS Installer


Verified User
Sep 9, 2006
If you're looking for an alternate billing solution, please see our AD here, http://www.directadmin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16964&highlight=awbs

The AWBS Installer was written to quicky and efficiently handle the installation of AWBS on your website. Some of our users voiced their concerns with issues they were having with installing AWBS on their servers. Because of this, we decided to write an installer.

Thank to LES, whoever you are, for suggesting it!! :)

If you have Installatron installed on your server and you wish to DEMO the AWBS product you can install AWBS in less than 5min.


* Takes less than 5min to install into Installatron
* Takes less than 5min to install AWBS after you get your key
* Can hide it from your users
* Ability to uninstall it whenever you want, instantly
* You can order your TRIAL, LEASED or OWNED license though this module
* Edit config files including the key file
* You can go live with this installation
* Takes the hassles out of setting up permissions, db's, uploading huge amounts of files in binary mode, blank screens etc.
* Ability to log into AWBS Admin
* Supports FreeBSD & All other flavours!


How to install AWBS Installer:

1) SSH to your server and execute the following commands in order.

Copy and paste the following lines of code to your SSH prompt;

cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/installers/
wget http://efastconsulting.com/downloads/awbs
chown admin:admin awbs

cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/cache/archives/
wget http://efastconsulting.com/downloads/awbs1
chown admin:admin awbs1

cd /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/iTron/images/
wget http://efastconsulting.com/downloads/images/awbs
chown admin:admin awbs

Log into the DA control panel as Admin.

If you do not wish to make the AWBS installer available to your users or resellers you can
hide the installer from their view and only allow you or a select few to use it.

1) Log into your DA CP as admin
2) Click on Installatron Admin
3) Click on Edit Script Groups
4) Click on Create Script Group
5) Click on Create a custom user list then click on the Edit User list button. Select the user who will have access
to the AWBS installer. Save and go back to the main menu.
6) Select the radio button, All Scripts or Custom Selection. Include the checkmark beside
AWBS Billing System.
7) Click save.

Log into the control panel for the user you enabled in step 5 above.

The AWBS installer should now be visible.

Follow the instructions during the install. Make sure you read everything very carefully. We
tried to make it as easy as possible to follow.

If you wish to run the trial, you can signup right from the interface. If you're already running the trial, you can use the Admin button to log right into AWBS. Use the NOTES button to get more information on the installer and use the CONFIG button view files the files you can edit.

You can uninstall the installation at any time. You can also go live with this installation since its the latest version. All you would need to do is update the key file via the CONFIG button.

No upgrade will be provided because the installer files are encrypted and its impossible to tell what changes were made from version to version. Usually however, it is wise to upgrade manually whether your using the installer to make the inital installation or not. The installer is provided as a means of installating the application in just a few minutes and to remove it if you dont like it. While you can install this as a production system upgrading to the next version should be done manually.

Let me know how you like it.
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Its available if you need it for v2.5.1 which is one version behind 2.6.0 then you can upgrade manually or wait for us to release the 2.6.1 installer.
How do I download it then? The link given returns a 404.
We will send you the instructions if you need it when you receive your welcome email for your lic.

Thanks Floyd