remote access mysql


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Hi all,

I got my login information yesterday but i'm still stuck at accessing my mysql server from a remote place?
could anybody help me with accessing remotely to my database?
is it a setting that needs to be enabled? or a script?

thanks in advance
You have to tell mysql to allow remote access. Instead of using "localhost" you would use the ip address of your remote machine.
If you're running MySQL on the same server as wordpress, use localhost; if not use the IP# of the server where you're running MySQL.

Note that if you're running MySQL on a different server there are other steps you must take for it to work; either see MySQL documentation or search these forums; The DirectAdmin forum doesn't teach MySQL.

Also, I've deleted your other thread; please do NOT double post.


If you're running MySQL on the same server as wordpress, use localhost; if not use the IP# of the server where you're running MySQL.

Note that if you're running MySQL on a different server there are other steps you must take for it to work; either see MySQL documentation or search these forums; The DirectAdmin forum doesn't teach MySQL.

Also, I've deleted your other thread; please do NOT double post.


Hi. I love your avatar and Direct Admin too. And also forum. I'm connecting from 18 hours.. I study!! I'm very new with server, webserver,php,mysql etc.
and don't want learn (i would, but have not time :) ). I want study only DA!!!!! I don't want also make many post. I have 2 post yet (one in moderation), but i need be able fast as possible to use DirectAdmin.
My first fear is about security, so i write here, even if (i also speak bad english) i'm note sure if is correct. Is it not, i beg your pardon.
My story.
I read this post becouse i'm finding with google about "remote access to mysql" on site
becouse i don't understand this from

"6) If you don't plan on doing any remote access to mysql, then setting up mysqld to only listen on would be a good idea. To set mysql to only bind to, add the following to the [mysqld] section of your /etc/my.cnf, then restart mysqld:

bind-address =

What i don't understand? Everything :( i'm desolated.
I can not understand if my joomlasite will work after this until i read this from you in this post: If you're running MySQL on the same server as wordpress, use localhost.... and i'm running my joomla on my server.
It is correct?
I wish.
But what i will not understand is how: add the following to the [mysqld] section of your /etc/my.cnf, then restart mysqld:

bind-address =[/I]"

Have i go as root and write: cd /etc/my.cnf
and then bind-address?
I think if DA faq writes "cd" or write the command and in this faq don't writes .....

What means "add the following to the section"? What is a section? Where have i add bind-address = How can restart mysql...?

Sorry for my incompetence..

I read in this post
Unfortunately the forum is not a place to learn how to be a forum administrator; most of us (including me) are too busy managing our own servers to teach you how to administer yours.

I'll answer your points as best I can inline below:
don't want learn (i would, but have not time :) ).
I appreciate your being candid, but you're going to need to take some time to learn some system administration skills, or hire a systems administrator, if you're going to successfully use a DirectAdmin server.
I don't understand this from

"6) If you don't plan on doing any remote access to mysql, then setting up mysqld to only listen on would be a good idea. To set mysql to only bind to, add the following to the [mysqld] section of your /etc/my.cnf, then restart mysqld:

bind-address =

What i don't understand? Everything :( i'm desolated.
I can not understand if my joomlasite will work after this until i read this from you in this post: If you're running MySQL on the same server as wordpress, use localhost.... and i'm running my joomla on my server.
It is correct?
I wish.
But what i will not understand is how: add the following to the [mysqld] section of your /etc/my.cnf, then restart mysqld:

bind-address =

Have i go as root and write: cd /etc/my.cnf
and then bind-address?
I think if DA faq writes "cd" or write the command and in this faq don't writes .....

What means "add the following to the section"? What is a section? Where have i add bind-address = How can restart mysql...?

If you've got a file at /etc/my.cnf you need to edit it. You can edit it either through a root shell login or through the DirectAdmin file editor. You simply add the line:
bind-address =
on a line by itself immediately under the line:
and restart the mysqld daemon through the DirectAdmin control panel (look here).

You don't have a file /etc/my.cnf, you can add one, and if it doesn't have a section [mysqld] you can add one at the bottom of the file.

I'll answer your points as best I can inline below:


You are very kind, even if my level is like 0. But, reading the DA forum, i solved many problems, like permissions of php5-cli with suphp, i custombuild something and sign on my book everything (i hope) about the update.. even if i have some doubts.
My server is living from a week, and my sites works very well. Everything, also the mailing system. I'm very happy, but it was very hard for me (probabbly very very simple for sys admin). Don't is better a directadmin like a cd autoistallation and autoupdate (also upates that DA do'nt update) that ask with system windows about firewall port, CGI or CLI , wich viruscan, modsecurity and wich rule, etc :D? Perhaps it could be better for the user that want manage himself, but is better also for the hoster that has more time for others and for users that prefer don't have any problems on managed or for semi-managed. Ok it is impossible for now even if Etkgar does not make some plugin to do!!! :)

If you've got a file at /etc/my.cnf you need to edit it. You can edit it either through a root shell login or through the DirectAdmin file editor. You simply add the line:
bind-address =
on a line by itself immediately under the line:
and restart the mysqld daemon through the DirectAdmin control panel (look here).
The most difficoult of my problem, reading DA forum and Faq, as i writed, is not to copy and write a code as a root, but to EDIT a file. I still can not see in action the famous linux editor even of course i try to find!! But you say that i can use DA editor for edit files. I thought, instead, that DA can not manage his system file!! I also founded how restart a daemon msqld and others with service monitor. Wow!!
But i have another little problem, becouse you writed "if i have got a file at... and i'm not lucky becouse i have not this file... i saw a linux command to create a folder, but don't remember. However i don't believe that is a good idea to add a folder to directadmin ;) How i make to solve?
But i'm also happy because I found the faq on the structure of directadmin folder! Now i'm starting to understand many things and i can say that my my level has very increased with yours explanations!!!!!
My ideal would be to put some safe to my server (and then complete all the procedures of the faq) and go on with many back up until i learn to manage a server. I love how you called "DirectAdmin server". I do not wan't to be a "system" administrator, but I wish to become a good DirectAdmin server administrator! Thanks