Remote connection to MySQL does not work with all ISPs


Verified User
Jul 24, 2013
Mashhad, Iran
I've a MySQL 8.0 database on DA which is allowed to be used remotely. But I am only able to connect it remotely via some certain ISPs, others don't work and the connection fails.
This is the errors I receive: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
As I have static IPs, I am sure that the IPs are not blocked in firewall.

May you help me to solve this issue please?
Doe the queries have large resultsets of take a long time to compleet? Try increasing net_read_timeout, maybe also increase the connect_timeout and/or max_allowed_packet.

Check logs for more info.
Doe the queries have large resultsets of take a long time to compleet? Try increasing net_read_timeout, maybe also increase the connect_timeout and/or max_allowed_packet.

Check logs for more info.
Connecting sot MySQL is very fast by some ISPs, so the amount of packets should not be the cause of this problem in my mind.