Remote Firewall Alteration?


Verified User
Dec 29, 2006
Does anyone have any ideas on ways I could utilize DA to alter my iptables rules? I had my SSH access locked down to my home IP address, but then my ISP got bought out and they changed my address (I know, shoulda seen that coming), so now I can't access my server.
I'm trying to think of a way I can either temporarily turn off IPtables so I can get in and change the file, or just change the file via DA, but I can't think of any ways to do it. I was thinking maybe I could run a cron, but those are all userspace only (or are they?), or if there was a plugin for managing the firewall I could install. Anyone have any ideas?
You're probably out of luck.

However you might want to find out if there's a php shell script out there that'll let you su into root once you're using the script.

If so, install it as any user, and try it.

And be sure to change your root password afterwards, as you'll be passing it in plaintext.

Otherwise you'll need local access to the server.

I appreciate the idea, I'll have to do some scrounging. If anyone else has heard of any such script, please let me know.