Remove All Mail Queue buttons


Verified User
Aug 20, 2008
I need a buttons for remove all mail queues or time limite for auto deleting.
Thank you
time limite for auto deleting.
This is already built into exim.

Emails in the queue are retried for a fixed time, then they are frozen. After a fixed time frozen, they are automatically deleted.

Once messages are frozen they're automatically returned to sender ad removed from the queue after the time specified in the timeout_frozen_after setting in your exim.conf file.


Because RFCs require emails be either delivered or returned once accepted, there's no automatic way to get exim to remove them, and there probably shouldn't be a way to easily do it in DirectAdmin, but you can remove them all easily from the command line as root:
exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm

Is there a reason this doesn't work for you?

A button to clean the mail queue isn't such a bad idea. When a spam run created dozen's of pages with spam mails in the queue you don't have to login to clear the queue but simply press clear queue :)

(investigating spam source can already be done through directadmin, only clearing the queue is not possible).
With thousands of spam emails in a queue you will run into numerous timeout issues, so you'd better use SSH to clean queue or use a simple script to clean queue with cron.
With thousands of spam emails in a queue you will run into numerous timeout issues, so you'd better use SSH to clean queue or use a simple script to clean queue with cron.
Sorry, made it sound worse than it is, we limit all users so its never more then a couple of pages, still a button would be more useful then select all, delete, and that for 3 or 4 pages. Sounds simple to implement and gives the finishing touch ;)
Yes, the feature might be interesting to save time. And yes, that sounds so simple. But still it's useless on big amounts. That's good if it is to be added, I'm neutral to it.
Alex, it could be done in the background with notification when done, so it may be a good idea, though I still don't like it becuse people will be more likely to use it instead of using command-line tools to see if there any emails in the queue which shouldn't be deleted.

In my opinion deleting the entire queue contents should be a last resort.

I need to this button when one of useres in server sen SPAM.
Thank you