Remove All Message System buttons


Verified User
Aug 20, 2008
I need a button for remove All Message System.
If I uncheck server for a few day or one week I get many messages in Message System and need to delete all of this messages.
Thank you
You click "Select" in the last column...... Is this what you mean, or do you mean an actual delete all messages, as in, without selecting any? It's not a bad idea actually.
It's not a bad idea actually.
It's a very good idea, for those of us who have many pages, as otherwise your suggestion requires lots of repetition for lots of pages. +1 from me, and hopefully we'll see more admins interested so we can get DirectAdmin staff to agree :).

Post if you like this idea!

With a general 'Purge'-button, it will also be possible to easily delete a perhaps important message on a page somewhere.

I don't recall I've ever had enough messages to see pagination kick in, even after a week orso checking. My server probably doesn't draw that much traffic.
Therefore, the question I would be asking is;
if one has that many pages of messages everytime... Why not try to fix the cause of all those messages first?
With a general 'Purge'-button, it will also be possible to easily delete a perhaps important message on a page somewhere.

I don't recall I've ever had enough messages to see pagination kick in, even after a week orso checking. My server probably doesn't draw that much traffic.
Therefore, the question I would be asking is;
if one has that many pages of messages everytime... Why not try to fix the cause of all those messages first?

Brute force messages and backups are ready, valid messages but they add up after a while.

If the button would be there, perhaps the user should confirm the action so you don't delete everything by accident.
Would it be a nice idea to have messages with different importance-levels just like in the logs?
Say, a 'Backup Ready'-message would be a 'notice'-message, while a BruteForce-message would be a 'warn'-message, maybe shown in different color or bold.

Also, a function could be made that only messages of say, level 'warn' would be send by email.
The unimportant Notice-messages perhaps could have the option they can be deleted automaticly after a N-number of days.

But then again, programming resources of the DA-staff might be better used elsewhere instead to fully customise the Message-system.
Well I do want the backup mail to be there; it's the way I check if all my boxes I manage get backupped. That way I don't have to manually check each box every day.

The one button to simply delete all messages seem to be not that much of trouble to make and seem to satisfy many people.
Would definitely make a good addition! I know I've been lazy myself,.. but I'm at 315 pages of messages there, I can't exactly manually delete them one by one in the interface. (I get huge amounts of "Brute-Force Attack detected" every day)
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It lets you specify any "contains" value for a subject, with some default values to pick from.
Also has an option "newer than" or "older than", in days, if you want to limit the search.

While I was in poking at the Message System code, I found a decent optimization for the "Messages" table in the "Message System", where it removes the need for a ticket # directory read per message, plus fstat on each file, per message.
This should really speed things up for anyone with a "Message System" that has many Messages. (User tickets still do the full directory read/load)..
I'd peg it at an exponential increase in speed due the significantly large number of disk read removals.

If anyone wants to try it out, it's in the pre-release section.

Sounds really great John :). I also noticed if you have many messages it would get slower exponential. Good that's improved.
Well I do want the backup mail to be there; it's the way I check if all my boxes I manage get backupped. That way I don't have to manually check each box every day.

The one button to simply delete all messages seem to be not that much of trouble to make and seem to satisfy many people.

We created a php script a long time ago that runs as a cronjob and reads out a specific mailbox that all DitectAdmin servers use for their message system tickets. Failed backup emails are forwarded to support, the rest is ignored :)
I've just updated it again, had a few bugs.
Also added in another level of cleaning for actual disk data in data/tickets/000*/*.

The Message System can now set the max number of days for a Message or Ticket, before it's deleted from the tickets.list (different variables in case you want to keep tickets longer)
These are cleared via the per-User tally.

If you are testing it out, may not be a bad idea to backup your tickets folder first:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data
cp -Rp tickets tickets.backup
as well as your tickets.list file (less worried about this one):
cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/[B]username[/B]
cp -p tickets.list tickets.list.backup