Remove Awstats


Verified User
Nov 19, 2007

How can I completely remove awstats?
I installed it via custombuild but never use it and it just seems to hog resources.

Also, could custombuild not be updated to have a "remove" feature which does this for you?
Set awstats=0 and webalizer=1 in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf.

I guess CustomBuild doesn't have a "remove" command for anything, because it would be very complicated to do it for some of the features and doing it for only a few of them can confuse the user.
You can, by the way, set "awstats=no" in options.conf, move /usr/bin/webalizer to /usr/bin/webalizer.old and run "./build webalizer". This will reinstall webalizer and set awstats=0 and webalizer=1 in /usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf.
You didn't give your real domain name so there's no way to do any tests.

But ...

DirectAdmin runs a completely separate browser, written in C++, and is not in any way connected to AWstats.

I think it highly unlikely that one would have anything to do with the other. You should try tailing the DirectAdmin log while attempting a login, to see the error.