remove sendmail


Verified User
Apr 16, 2005
Since DA installs exim I take it that I can remove sendmail from my FreeBSD 4.11 install? What other services and ports can be turned off?
DirectAdmin makes sendmail a link to exim, so you can remove it if you want.

You can remove any other packages, ports, etc that aren't use. What these are really depends on what you installed before installing DirectAdmin ;)
I would suggest removing sendmail BEFORE installing DirectAdmin. If you do it afterwards, your sendmail symlinks and other backwards-compatible references may get deleted.
jmstacey said DirectAdmin will just use sendmail as is.
loopforever suggest removing sendmail BEFORE installing DirectAdmin.

What is the advantage or disadvantage of these two options? Should I just leave sendmail as installed by FreeBSD?
Jon wasn't implying that DirectAdmin would use Sendmail "as is". That is not the case - DirectAdmin does not work with Sendmail. However, when Exim is installed (by DirectAdmin), it will overwrite the Sendmail symlinks so that Exim is the default SMTP service.

In my opinion, I'd uninstall Sendmail before installing DirectAdmin. No point in having two services existing on a server that will only be using one of them.
Great! Thanks for clearing that up. Now to find out how to uninstall sendmail. :)
Does this look effecient enough?

1. Find sendmail in your boot scripts. It's usually in either /etc/rc or
/etc/init.d/sendmail. It looks like
sendmail -bd -q15m
-q15m means that it should run the queue every 15 minutes; you may
see a different number. Comment out this line.

2. Kill the sendmail daemon. You should first kill -STOP the daemon; if
any children are running, you should kill -CONT, wait, kill -STOP
again, and repeat ad nauseam. If there aren't any children, kill
-TERM and then kill -CONT.

3. Check whether you have any messages in the sendmail queue,
/var/spool/mqueue. If you do, you will have to try flushing them with
sendmail.bak -q. If necessary, wait a while and run sendmail.bak -q
again. Repeat until the queue is empty. This may take several days.

4. Remove the setuid bit on the sendmail binary, to prevent local users
from gaining extra privileges through sendmail's security holes. The
binary may be at several different locations:
# chmod 0 /usr/lib/sendmail
# chmod 0 /usr/sbin/sendmail
# chmod 0 /usr/lib/

5. Move the sendmail binary out of the way:
# mv /usr/lib/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail.bak
# mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.bak
If I goto /etc/rc.conf and set sendmail="NONE" that stops sendmail from starting at boot, Therefore it should not affect any symlinks or anything like that.
I am sorry for resurrecting such a long time dead thread however I just wish to verify that this will cause no problems for my server! I understand that DA does not use sendmail, Just double checking!