Removed db4-4.1 RPM's and all internet is down


Verified User
Apr 7, 2004
I was working on trying to upgrade my system from Perl 5.8.0 to 5.8.8 and one of the dependencies was upgrading DB4 from the 4.1 version to the 4.2 version. I was using the CentOS RPM's but after I realized all of that wasn't going to work I decided to put everything back. I got Perl back to 5.8.0 and in order for exim to restart I needed DB4-4.1.

I did the stupid thing (it was really really late) and deleted the db4-4.2.i386.rpm, db4-devel, and db4-utils RPM's all at once. My thinking was to do that and then put the DB4-4.1 back on and be done. However as soon as those were deleted, the connections on the server went down. SSH, email, httpd, ftp, everything. However I can still ping the IP and it responds.

Does this mean I have to sit down at the console to reinstall the RPMs? *CAN* I even install these 3 RPM's from the console or will that prevent me? This server has to be back up by Monday morning.
Does this mean I have to sit down at the console to reinstall the RPMs?


I tried to answer with just Yes but the submit errored telling me that it was too short.
Thanks, I wanted to make sure the engineer at the datacenter wouldn't be denied access to the console because of this.
So its not going to be you fixing it? The engineer should know how to fix it without you telling him. You should be able to just tell him what you did and he should know how to fix it.
Actually it turns out when the engineer arrived on site, he said the console was entirely frozen and that it had an "out of memory" error pertaining to a process. I thought back to what I was doing the other day and it was me trying to upgrade spamassassin to 3.2.0.

The engineer restarted the system and I got my RPM's reinstalled (which seemed to have no affect after all on the cause of the problem). No sooner than it restarted but 15 min later it did the same error, and I got that error after restarting exim. The engineer once again restarted it and this time I killed SA and Exim and so far no problems.

Looks like I'm going to recompile Exim and start it and let it go and leave SA off and downgrade it to 3.1.8.