Replace File Manager


Verified User
May 18, 2010
How hard would it be to replace the default file manager with something like extplorer?
Are you suggesting someone implement an IE-like interface to work when you click on File Manager? Probably somewhere between very hard and incredibly hard.

How hard would it be to replace the default file manager with something like extplorer?

You could add a lil code to just copy it to any new account created.
It works right out of the box so not really no installation needed.
Are you suggesting someone implement an IE-like interface to work when you click on File Manager? Probably somewhere between very hard and incredibly hard.

Hi Jeff,

eXtplorer is an opensource SourceForge project (found here) that is made with php and javascript.

Here's a screenshot of it:


There's some promising features in it like:

  • Create and Extract Archives (ZIP, tar, bz, tgz)
  • Drag n Drop directories
  • Syntax highlighting (thanks to EditArea)
  • Joomla and Mambo plugin
  • FTP Server connection
  • Search features

    I've used this in some of my web development projects - and clients love it.
Well I could copy it to new accounts, but that would be a big waste of disk space. Couldn't I set it up centralized somewhere and make it authenticate by username and restrict to that user's home dir?
Someone who's already familiar with it: can you restrict it to start at a specific directory?

And don't forget you'll lose the DirectAdmin-specific functionality of being able to change ownership (which has to be done as root).
