Replacing server


New member
Feb 3, 2011
We're about to replace a server with a new one. But we are in doubt how to do this properly.

Both servers have directadmin and licenses. Ideally, we would like the new server to have the same ipaddress as the old one, because unfortunatly we do not control DNS for every domain. (otherwise we could go down the lower-ttl-and-new-ipaddress path).

Can we request an ipaddress change for the license installed on the new server, and wouldnt that conflict with the license on the old server?

Basically we would like to do this as follows:

- Request ipaddress change for license
- Backup all domains on old server
- Restore all domains on new server
- Take down old server
- Change ipaddress on new server to old ipaddress
- Install new license on new server
- Restart DA and run ipswap
- Be up and running on new server with old ipaddress

And finally:
- Request ipaddress change for license old server
- Reinstall old server with new OS etc., and new DA license.

Any recommendations??
I did the same last weekend without a minute of downtime :)

1. Install DA on new server and have the same settings that you have on the old server before restoring the users.
2. backup all the users on the old server.
3. Restore using backup on new server, remember that you select new IP address on the DA panel when restoring.
4. All you need to do to eventually replace the port numberon the the old , for example . 2221 and change the IP address in the Glue settings for ns1 og ns2 :)

Good luck
I want to run the server on the SAME ip address as the old one, because we don't control DNS for every domain.

So how would we go about that?
Yes, much better. Then you need not change anything on the Glue.

I replaced the IP. The new server had new IP addresses.

If your new server has the same IP address, just to backup the users and restore.

You do not need to change anything on the DNS even if you change the IP. Everything is organized by the DirectAdmin
Thanks for your reply ISOS6.

Then one question remains:
Can I change the license for the new server to the same ip address as the license on the old server? Or would that compromise the license on the old server?
You dont need to change the license if the ip on the old and new box is the same ip and operating system. Just ask for a temporary license on the new box and then change the license after you are all moved.