Request help with Reseller User Backups by FTP


Verified User
May 22, 2007
I'm using DA 1.29.7 on a CentOS 4.5 system. My goal is to set up automatic cron FTP user backups through the Reseller Backup Management panel. I think I have everything set up correctly, but when I do a manual (or cron) Reseller User backup, I don't get any files on the remote FTP server.

The DA message system reports the backups are successful and saved to the remote folder, even though they aren't.

Local Reseller User backups work (to /home/admin/user_backups). If I manually open FTP with the same user name/password through SSH, it works fine and I can transfer the files.

I don't see any errors in /var/log/messages.

Please give me some suggestions to troubleshoot this problem.

Thank you.
What does the remote ftp log say about the server connecting to it?
Likely the path is wrong that you are setting up.

Any suggestions for the correct path?

I have tried:

/ (my ftp root)
/backups (there is an exisiting folder)
/backups/ (with slash at the end)

None of those work. However from SSH on my server I can successfully open FTP (with the same user/login I have configured for the FTP backup) and upload to those paths: / (ftp root) and /backups .

My DA message always seems to match the correct path:
"The User backups have been uploaded to"
Well, after troubleshooting for the past week with my hosting provider, it turns out that there was a PHP related problem with my particular configuration. I don't know exactly what it was, but DirectAdmin support has apparently fixed it and now the FTP reseller backups finally seem to be working.