[request] Improving Reseller and User backup features


Verified User
Nov 7, 2004
Girona, Catalunya

I'm running DA version 1.23.1, I have a couple of suggestions regarding Reseller/User backup features.

1) Users can select items to backup, however they can't create cron jobs. It would be nice to allow them to create cron jobs for their own backups. Resellers could have the option to enable/disable the ability to create backup crons for users.

2) Resellers can create cron jobs for user backups. However, they can't select items (I mean the same kind of items users can select). It would be nice to allow resellers to choose which items they want to backup for users. For instance, it would be nice to allow resellers to schedule a daily task to backup the user DBs and a weekly task for the user files. Well, this is just an example.

Perhaps DA could share the same code for both resellers and users.

Summary: I would like to have same options for resellers and users regarding user backups. However, it would be nice to allow resellers to enable/disable the ability to create crons for their users.
