[request] SVN plugin


Verified User
Jul 15, 2004
The Netherlands

Some time ago here was someone who was working on a SVN plugin for DirectAdmin but he stops unfortually.

I'm looking for a working SVN plugin for DirectAdmin, is there new development that you guy's know off or?

I'd love it too.

I've seen some posts about this on a Dutch forum, where I've asked for a status update. The topic was started about a year ago, when they said it would be high on their priority list, so it may be finished now :)

As there is still no plugin available yet so we are writing this plugin now ourself (complete integration within DirectADmin). We are going to sell licenses for this plugin when it's stable.

If you are interessered please reply to this ticket so I can contact you when the plugin is ready :)
A small update: we think that the plugin will be finished next week and then we are going to test it for another 2 weeks.

I'll keep you guys updated.
cool let us know when this free plugin will be available
The SVN plugin is now being tested. I will inform you once it's stable for production servers and then also will give out all information about this and pricing.
Hi, we have launched it today in production and receiving first clients.

I'm currently making the information/screenshots that I will post soon here.