Reseller IP


Verified User
Nov 16, 2010
Im testing free Billing software *Accountlab plus* with Directadmin 1.36.2.

I made server synchronization. Everything works fine till now but only for *create user level acc*.

When Accounlab plus try to create reseller error appears *U dont have any free IP for resellers*.
Now i went to IP Manager and i add one random IP(i dont own this ip).

And again went to Accountlab plus. Now this software is able to make reseller.

Ok, we got reseller acc now but im confused.

In IP Manager this random IP have

Status: owned
Reseller: username
Users: username


in Show all users , this reseller account have my server IP.

Becouse i wont give reseller dedicate IP, they will use my server IP , this works well. I tested...made user level from this reseller and tried to host domain..everything works. But do you think ill have problems if i just add some more random IP`s so Accountlab plus can create reseller automatic??

First check to make sure you can set up a reseller directly through DirectAdmin without adding an IP#. If you can't, then fix your package.

Once you've got it to work with Directadmin, if it still doesn't work with Accountlab Plus you'll need to contact their support team.

First check to make sure you can set up a reseller directly through DirectAdmin without adding an IP#. If you can't, then fix your package.

Once you've got it to work with Directadmin, if it still doesn't work with Accountlab Plus you'll need to contact their support team.


Yes im able to make reseller without FREE IP. But not able from ALP. Thats why i need to create some FREE IP`s to be able ALP to create account automatic. Is there a problem if i just add some random IP`s...

p.s after i menage that reseller to use specific random ip, in show all users he stll got my server ip adress..
DirectAdmin itself won't care if the IP#s in your list work or not, but it will use those IP#s in the welcome message (unless you change that), and of course it will attempt to serve those sites on the wrong IP#.

So I'd think the best way to solve the problem is iwth the folks who write Accountlab Plus.
