Reseller Level - User Level - Acct Hierarchy Confusion


New member
Oct 6, 2005
I can't seem to get down the reseller-user hierarchy w/ Direct Admin and how to set up my domains so that they can be independently managed. I share a server, I have approx 50 domains that I want to put up and manage online. My first domain was set-up as a resller acct and I use it to login w/ the :2222 suffix. Unless I'm mistaken, that is acting like my "master domain" or, at least, that is how it is acting due to the way I have proceeded to add domains. Instead of rambling on, I'll give an example of where I am getting hung up which hopefully will provide enough of a clue as to what is going on and what I am doing wrong.

After logging in to the domain that I used to have the server admin set up my account, the Resellers Panel (where I have created "new users" for several domains), opens up. However when I add a domain to this account, the email address defaults to the [email protected] and although I am set at "0" for unlimited email accounts, when I attempt to create a new pop acct, I get a message that I've already reached the quota for this acct. I want all of my domains to be set-up like my "master" domain or the domain I am using that logs me into the Resellers Panel which allows me to edit or setup new email accts. Bandwidth and server space are not an issue w/ the server admin at my usage level, so the problem, as I see it, lies w/ where and how I have setup my domains inside of Direct Admin.

Do I need to set up multiple reseller accts to manage each domain independently? I have no problem logging into the accts using- and I can FTP to the acct using to upload to the public_html, but still, it seems as if I've set my domains up in the wrong place, ie a resellers sub account. Where have I screwed up? What am I missing? Is there something that the admin needs to adjust relative to access level?:confused:
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presumably you created a reseller package
which you used before creating the reseller
account? what quotas did you give the
reseller in that case (for email accounts etc).
I think that that this is where the heart of confusion lies. I am using Direct Admin to manage my own domains and I am not a reseller. I have used another control panel before that is set-up is a bit different and that may also be a contributing factor.
I am sharing server space w/ someone else who setup my account and who administers the server. I'm not certain that he is totally familiar w/ da, as we have both used amother web control panel in the past.
Is what I was referring to as a "master" account, a resellers package? Should I be setting up resellers packages for each of my domains for what I am wanting to accomplish?
no, but your resources (given to your
reseller package) may be too limited
to allow what you're trying to do re
creating all those email accounts.

you'd need to ask whoever set up the
reseller account for you what the limits are.
Tx for your reply.
The intent of the server admin, is provide me w/ space w/o limitations and that I can use the way I would like, (within reason, of course). I'm only trying to set-up 1, maybe, 2 email accts per domain and none of my sites take up alot of space or have heavy traffic. When I add a domain, the email address defaults to the account username in front of the "@". If I could figure out how to change that to "info@" or "admin@" and retain the user name, that would help me out for the short term, until I get the panel procedures down.

I assume that the "reseller package" was set-up using the domain that I now use to access my "reseller panel" and that "create user" is the proper place to add new domains. This is the acct that gives me the "Create New Accounts" option.

Maybe this will help further clarify: When I log into my other, (non reseller), accounts, the "User Panel" shows up. When I open the File Manager, there is a "domains" folder as well as a "public_html" folder w/ a red arrow. The "domains" folder contains another folder w/ the domain name, ie "" and indide of that is another public_html folder, (w/o the red arrow). I'm not quite sure how or why there are two public_html folders in the account. I have been using an ftp client and Dreamweaver to upload and am not sure if I created the duplicate files by mistake or if that would be DA's default. Am I making any sense or am I confusing matters more?
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The Reseller Panel login Home-> List/Modify Accts-> (User)Name-> Modify User-> email Accts-> Change Default entry? "1" to "0" and ✔ and voila! Uh-oh. I changed the quota from 1 acct, (DA default?) to zero and checked it, but still got the over quota message. Darn- and I thought I had worked it out.