Reseller licenses


Verified User
Nov 11, 2019
I cant see my [internal] license option for buying from client panel. Is it removed?
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Datacenter pricing can idle out under extreme circumstances -- it is best to contact us to see what happened. If you are on a legacy account that went idle (very low volume and/or no regular ordering history) then you would need to upgrade to our newer datacenter pricing which actually has some lower prices (but a small monthly commitment to ensure the account doesn't sit idle).
Datacenter pricing can idle out under extreme circumstances -- it is best to contact us to see what happened. If you are on a legacy account that went idle (very low volume and/or no regular ordering history) then you would need to upgrade to our newer datacenter pricing which actually has some lower prices (but a small monthly commitment to ensure the account doesn't sit idle).
i have opened new ticket #37396 for test license so i can migrate diretadmin from centos 8 to new OS. Is this possible ? My custombuild and mysql stopped working as repo is shutted down
Datacenter pricing can idle out under extreme circumstances -- it is best to contact us to see what happened. If you are on a legacy account that went idle (very low volume and/or no regular ordering history) then you would need to upgrade to our newer datacenter pricing which actually has some lower prices (but a small monthly commitment to ensure the account doesn't sit idle).
Sad news from directadmin.
Os preços do datacenter podem ficar ociosos em circunstâncias extremas. Se você está em uma conta legado que ficou ociosa (volume muito baixo e/ou nenhum histórico de pedidos regulares) então você precisaria atualizar para o nosso novo preço de datacenter que realmente tem alguns preços mais baixos (mas um pequeno compromisso mensal para garantir que a conta não fique ociosa).
What are the new data center prices?