"Reseller > Manage User Backups" function is rilly crap


Verified User
Nov 24, 2004
Hong Kong
i backups all users files with this function becox of re-installation of the server. and i thk everythg will be fine.

OS installation...done
DA installation...done
time to restore all users data.....hoops! the backups do not contain MySQL data........omfg
My Reseller backups contain user MySQL data.
Are you sure that DirectAdmin was succesful in backing up the data in the first place? (i.e. Have you tried exploring one of the backup files that you know DO have MySQL data and seen if it's there or not)
If the data is there, then it means DA couldn't restore it (different MySQL versions?)And you might be able to restore by hand.
i know the reason now...
becox i dont want any body access the server to slow down the speed...so i stopped mysqld be4 doing backup.....