reseller nameservers


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Hi guys

im looking for a little help here as both myself and my host seem to be at logger heads as to whats causing the issue.

our host has set us up a reseller , we are tryin to use custom nameservers for our reseller account.

the domain we are using is ( current pings to main server ip )

we set up the ns servers on the domain on the registra as

ns1. / ns2. with the ips we were given by host

the issue we seem to be having and that is causing a rift between us and the host is as follows:

the ns1/ ping to there respective ip's so according to our host theres no issue.

Any domain we try addin to the reseller as a client usin the custom nameservers wont communicate, it allows us to set the custom nameservers on the clients domain but it wont load or ping to the ns its set to.

heres a copy of what the dns management is set to within the reseller


whats the problem ?, our host says everything is set up ok , yet from our point of view no new accounts added to the reseller works with our custom nameservers.

we have been tryin to resolve this for the last 2 days and just seems to be getting no were, hence poppin here to ask the guys in the know :)

hoping someone can help resolve this for us

Are both the IP's added in DA, and you can ping to the ns IP's if I understand correctly? I can ping them so they seem to resolve correctly. Could you show me ouput of the DNS from a client you want to have on these nameservers?


hi tom

can you tell me how to do that for you , sorry got head cold and not thinkin straight

2nd time tryin to post this reply keep gettin moderator messages :S

heres an example using my own account i added. - added as client

set nameservers to - ns1/ns2

now the temp link works -

but pingin the the url brings back nowt
loading normal url in browser brings back nowt
its there but it aint if that makes sense

on the k3rmz account it says#: DNS Control OFF
If your post is getting moderated, posting it exactly the same way won't help; you have to either figure out why it's being moderated and change it, or else just be patient and wait for a moderator to find it and unmoderate it, which I just have (I deleted the duplicate). This usually happens within less than a day but can take longer, especially on a weekend. While we're sorry for the inconvenience we need to keep our anti-spam measures as strong as possible.

Checking the root servers, it appears that you're trying to use your own nameservers, but that you haven't registered them at your registrar.

Registering nameservers at your registrar is NOT the same as assigning them. It appears you've registered your domain at You'll have to check with them to make sure your nameservers are registered with them.

Once you're sure they are, then wait about 24 hours, then if things don't work you should post in this thread again, and we can check further for you.

Is the k3rmz account your reseller account? if not then check in your reseller account to see if you can turn on DNS control for the k3rmz account. If it is your reseller account, or if your reseller account doesn't have the ability to control DNS then you should ask your host to turn it on for you if you may need to manage DNS for your clients.
