Reseller plan based on number of domains: is this possible?


Verified User
Jan 23, 2008

I'm a new DA user, and wondering if this is possible: I'd like to have a reseller plan where they pay $x per domain.

This way the reseller plan price would differ based on how many domains they hosted.

In case it matters, I'm trying to use WHMCS for billing, however it doesn't look like this is even possible in DA... hopefully someone knows of a way.

You can thats what the domains part is for when in modify reseller.
Hey chatwizrd, thanks for the reply.

If I'm hearing you correctly, this would mean I would have to go in and change the plan whenever the reseller wanted to add a domain? This wouldn't work if more than one reseller was on a plan...

Let me give an example to better illustrate what I mean:

Reseller signs up for $1/domain plan.
Initially, their monthly cost is ZERO (as they have no domains).
Reseller adds a domain, now their monthly fee is $1.
During the week, they add 10 more domains. Now their monthly fee is $11.

From WHMCS, I know how to add a plan, then make the domains an "add-on", so the billing part is no problem.

The problem is how DA sets up the plans: I want to have a plan where if domains are added WHMCS is notified so I can bill in this fasion.


When I think about it, maybe this isn't a DA issue, but a limitation with how the billing system interacts with DA. In which case... how would one do this?
Probably would be easier for someone to purchase the extra domains then it adds them in directadmin. Probably would take some api coding through directadmin to modify the reseller though.
Or, I guess I could have resellers order the domains through WHMCS and I would have to manually add the domains for them?

Either way... I don't see a desirable solution.
It also gets more complicated when you want to do something like:

Each domain includes yMB of disc space, and zGB of transfer, so the plan would be:

If reseller has 0 domains, then:
0 domains
0 MB
0 GB

If reseller has 10 domains, then:
10 domains
10 * y MB disc space
10 * z GB transfer

If reseller has 20 domains, then:
20 domains
20 * y MB disc space
20 * z GB transfer

In other words, the plan would accomodate their usage (and bill accordingly, and set up their other limits accordingly).

This is one of those things that H-Sphere plans can do with no problem... I'm sorta missing that feature now :(
DA doesn't have dynamic plans, but you can either create multiple plans, or you can customize users after you've created them.

First step is to see if DA includes the APIs you need; if not ask them if they can create them.

Second step is to talk the good folk who write WHMCS into using the API to manage the users as you'd like.

H-Sphere has integrated billing.
