Reseller user creation problem


Verified User
Nov 17, 2005
I've problem, one of my reseller create a user under his account. The creation have a problem, connection time out. But the folder and everything else is created. and I see the user in /etc/passwd and the user can login to their directadmin.

But in user listing under that reseller, I can't see the user created. Can someone point out, what's the problem with it ?

Thanks in advance.
It sounds like DirectAdmin didn't get its data files written completely.

Check DirectAdmins user data files (/usr/local/directadmin/data/users) and see if the user has a directory there.

You can try to check and rebuild the directory using other user files as an example, but it might be easier if you just manually deleted the user through the command line and the readded.
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You've forgotten this important part:

Make sure there's no DNS zone for the user's domain; DA won't let you create a user if the domain already has a zone file.

If necessary you can check for and delete the zone file in the admin login's DNS administration section.

I thought about typing it, but since the error he would have incurred reading through DA has been covered many many times, the solution could be found by searching that at a later time.

Well that's my logic... :p
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the problem is, when it happened everytime i create user under this account. Not once, but so many times.

Your connection has timed out


Either your request was invalid or the program hasn't completed your request.
Please notify the server admin

My reseller tell me this problem, when I try to create the user for him, the error is still the same.

I've also try with other reseller user, the same result occur.

Can someone give me some idea, what happened exactly , beside try delete and add again with the same error :(.
this is the error log i got from directadmin

2006:03:08-16:54:55: ConfigFile::writeFile(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/wesblog/ftp.passwd) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-16:54:55: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/wesblog/crontab.conf) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-16:57:54: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doUser(1, (null), action=create&username=wesblog&[email protected]&passwd=abc123&passwd2=abc123&, 0) : pre welcome message.
2006:03:08-17:13:53: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doUser(1, (null), action=create&username=testing&, 0) : pre welcome message.
2006:03:08-17:42:57: Socket write error: fd is connected to a pipe or socket whose reading end is closed. When this happens the writing process will also receive a SIG_PIPE signal. (Thus, the write return value is seen only if the program catches, blocks or ignores this signal.)
2006:03:08-17:42:57: Error while sending ./data/skins/enhanced/images/header.gif
2006:03:08-17:59:48: Socket write error: Unknown error
2006:03:08-18:06:03: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doUser(1, (null), action=create&username=fauzana&, 0) : pre welcome message.
2006:03:08-18:15:18: ConfigFile::writeFile(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/fauzana/ftp.passwd) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-18:15:18: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/fauzana/crontab.conf) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-18:17:32: ConfigFile::writeFile(/usr/local/directadmin/data/users/fauzana/ftp.passwd) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-18:17:33: ConfigFile::writeFile(./data/users/fauzana/crontab.conf) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
2006:03:08-18:18:18: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doUser(1, (null), action=create&username=fauzana&, 0) : pre welcome message.
2006:03:08-18:20:32: Timeout from from : last flagged: Command::doUser(1, (null), action=create&username=fauzana&, 0) : pre welcome message.

Are you using a custom /usr/sbin/sendmail wrapper script?
It doesn't behave exactly like exim does, so DA waits for it to quit.. when it's waiting for DA to quit once the last dot '.' is sent.

Since noticing a few servers with these sendmail wrappers, I've since change DA a bit to handle this by closing the socket right after sending the last dot (how exim knows the email is done), thus the wrapper see the closed pipe, and closes it's pipe to exim, exim quits, the wrapper quits and DA goes on it's merry way.

Short version:
Update DA to 1.26.3 (or higher)
Don't use the wrapper ;)

Thank you for your help. Yes, I'm using a sendmail wrapper. I've change that back to original setting and DA working fine.