Reset MariaDB to Mysql 5.7 with fresh installation, how?

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I'm running into the same issues every time with a Centos 7 test server when trying to install a fresh mysql.

Suppose we have a crashed MariaDB of for some other reason I want to just install Mysql 5.7 again.
What exactly is the correct procedure?
I did started with setting mysql 5.6 in options.conf and then:
rm -rf /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
yum remove MariaDB*

So Myslq 5.6 get's installed but...
Giving mysqld a few seconds to start up...
Looking for 'mysql' as: /usr/bin/mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: /usr/bin/mysqlcheck
Error: Failed while fetching Server version! Could be due to unauthorized access.
FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed
/usr/bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user 'da_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES) when trying to connect
cp: '/usr/lib/' and '/usr/lib/mysql/' are the same file
Restarting MySQL.
Installation completed.
Can't get in with either root or da_admin pass.

So I first had to do this:
then again go back and do a ./build mysql which offers finally the mysql 5.6 but without da_admin access or user.

I have to login with the root password, create the da_admin user, give it full rights and go from there install roundcube again etc..

I can't imagine that is no easier method to just do a fresh mysql 5.x installation with less fuzz then this.
Anybody the correct and fast and easy procedure (if any)?
It seems like something is left from the old system when you are building the new one.

What I would do in FreeBSD is to go to the mariadb subfolder in the /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/... and do "make deinstall" inside. That should remove all binaries and libs related to MariaDB. Then remove the user dir (/var/lib/mysql in your case). And there should be no trace of MariaDB in the system that way. I see no reason why mysql installation will fail that way.
and do "make deinstall" inside
We only have a mysql folder, doesn't matter if having mysql or mariadb installed.
make deinstall
make: *** No rule to make target `deinstall'.  Stop.[/quote]
I've seen people doing it without a make deinstall.

So if anybody know how it's done in Centos...