Resolv.conf edit in directadmin


Verified User
Jan 9, 2004

We had problems to login on a directadmin server
because the nameservers that was installed in resolv.conf
where offline.

Maybe a new feature. Edit resolv.conf in directadmin
and restart network.

because we could not login with SSH
but directadmin was working fine.


Resolve.conf shoudln't give any problem with SSH or connecting to your server.

This is a one time setup normally and why fill up the panel with useless one time to use features.
we have notice ssh login is diffecult when the nameservers doesn't work anymore.

IF we can login after 5 minutes and when we change the nameservers in resolv.conf everything is working 100%
If the nameservers in resolv.conf are offline then almost nothing will work.

I'd suggest putting the following line into the top of /etc/resolv.conf so the system will try the local nameserver first:


that's also an option.

but with remote dns you will have same problem

in the cobalt raq control panel (yes i know OLD)
you can change / edit the resolv.conf
non working dns will slow down ssh login a lot, if the timeout setting is too low then it can stop you from logging in but on default settings it should be ok but just slow.
I don't think it's a good idea because if you make it too easy to edit resolv.conf, then someone's going to do it without understanding what they're doing, and break the server.

I'd rather see it left to those admins who know how to login through shell. That way there's at least some presumption they know what they're doing.

My opinion, anyway.

agree it should be shell only, in the rare case it stops you accessing ssh then it can be fixed from the console.