Resrict Areas of Direct Admin?


Verified User
Dec 16, 2005
I am a web deveoper and some of my clients could do dangerous things in directadmin.

I would like to limit them to managing email accounts. Is ther a way to do this?

File Manager
Do you know of a way to restrict these items?
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You can not set restrictions like that, at this time.

Restricting access to phpMyAdmin is entirely pointless. Sure you can delete the master install in /var/www/html, however the only thing that would stop a user from uploading and using their own copy was if you turned php off for that account.

Edit: php not ssl
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Not quite...

Because with a mail-only skin the reseller would have to change the skin each time s/he wanted to log in for maintenance... and during that time frame anyone else with the password could log in with full access as well.

jmstacey said:
You can not set restrictions like that, at this time.

Restricting access to phpMyAdmin is entirely pointless. Sure you can delete the master install in /var/www/html, however the only thing that would stop a user from uploading and using their own copy was if you turned ssl off for that account.

You are over estimating the skill level f my clients. I was thinking along the lines of "out of sight - out of mind"

Thanks for you comment though.