restore admin account doesn't use new ip in dns


Verified User
Nov 9, 2006

i've been transfering two diffferent servers with directadmin onto just one higher spec server running directadmin. with the main admin account on the second server. before restoring that account i decided to move the domains to a new user and restore that instead of restoring a second main admin account (i wasn't sure of any implications and it was only the domains i needed transfered anyway) to prevent any conflicts with restoring two different admin accounts to one server.

anyway when i restore this new user to the new server it won't use the "new ip from the list" in the restore section, allthough the previous 20 users i have restored have been fine. instead it restores it with the ip from the old server as far as at least the dns shows. i'm not sure what is causing this glitch.

anyway i have restored it with the old ip, and used the directadmin script, will this script change everything that would have been changed if it had used the correct ip when i retsored it?

any advice appreciated, thanks in advance.
