Restore Backup permissions? (BSD to Centos)


Verified User
Aug 21, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Hi all,

I've been tryin to restore a backup made by DA on a FreeBSD machine to DA on a Centos Machine.

Obviously both platform are quite different but I would've never expect user privileges to strip over...!

The error I get says the admin user doesn't have access to the


I tried chown'ing the file to admin:admin and it went one step further;

I can see the file owner is changed (by da) to new-user, and the group stays admin, but I still get a permission error...

Any thought?

I have root + admin access on the box. I'm trying to restore from the admin account, on the reseller tab.


Move completed!

Alright.. since nobody had a clue, I'm assuming I should probably post host things went!

I should say for anybody who's a bit comfortable handling files in SSH shouldn't have any issue.

What I did first was making sure both httpd.conf files user the same User and Group (both apache). This way I was pretty sure that the restored permissions would work, for at least the http content for most users (had a few users with specific permissions set on their files...)

Then the backup/restore went fine, I backup everything from the reseller accounts, moved the backups accross, chown'd them and restore. The few issues I ran into were all solved fairly quickly by looking at the restore failure message in da

Finally I had to fiddle around with those few users who had specific permissions set on their files.. but that wasn't too bad.

Having played around with linux/bsd for roughly 10 years now (still consider myself as a n00b!!) and I though the entire process, yet time-consuming, went quite smoothly!

Hope this helps anyone!
