Restore Options


Verified User
Feb 24, 2007
I would like to see specific restore options on the admin and reseller restore like there are with the user restore.

An admin or reseller can only restore a whole or complete user... whereas a user can select what to restore, ie; database, email, home folder etc.

most times a full restore is not needed but rather only a database, home folder, etc.
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You can only choose what to include in your backups, but can you choose what to restore as well?
Quote from
The backup tar.gz files will now have a new file in the "backup" directory called "backup_options.list"
During a restore, this file will be extracted first from the tar.gz, prior to the rest of the files.
It will contain the list of backup options used for the backup.
If the file doesn't exist, it's assume all options are to be restored.

Restore portion has a "partial data" checkbox.
To me this sounds a bit cumbersome. You have to create full backups first, then if you want to restore a part of that backup, you would have to change the settings to what parts you need, start the restore and change the settings back to normal. Or am I mistaken here?

Restore portion has a "partial data" checkbox.

It's not in our installation. Why isn't the "Step 4: What"-box at the create backup field just copied over to the restore part of the Admin Backup/Transfer? That would have made sense to me.

We're not using backups from DA by the way. But still :-)
No, you are "mistaken" here :) Restore process extracts backup_options.list first (only this file) and then checks what is available in the backup, then restores these parts only. It seems that there is no "partial data" checkbox available on DA 1.38.3, so it should restore the data that is on the backup (by default).
No, you are "mistaken" here :) Restore process extracts backup_options.list first (only this file) and then checks what is available in the backup, then restores these parts only.

The process you describe is similar to mine. Still, it looks as it could have been done so much easier. Let's try and clarify this step by step :-)

An admin creates backups using the Admin Backup/Transfer options available in his or her panel. This admin does not set any options which would mean backup_options.list is either empty or is set with a full list of options, either way, the result would be similar: all data is stored securely in a .tar.gz file.

A few weeks go by and one of the users on this server gets hacked. No problem, the server is secure and no other users have been compromised, so only this user needs a restore of the public_html directory.

And I think this is what TS means: how can you restore only that part the user requests for if nothing has been set in the backup before.
If only public_html is needed you could use a simple ssh command for that, like:
tar xzf user.admin.[B]username[/B].tar.gz domains/[B][/B]/public_html -C /home/[B]username[/B]

If you need the whole domains directory:
tar xzf user.admin.[B]username[/B].tar.gz domains -C /home/[B]username[/B]